Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ah, les Francais

Well, I have been negligent. I haven't posted in almost three weeks, and what an interesting three weeks thy have been! I have taken classes in French, eaten more cheese than I can handle, traveled out of the country and dance my butt off in an australian club on French soil. So, rather than telling you the harrowing details of the last three weeks, I am instead going to tell you about a much more interesting topic, the oddities of the French, and other european nationalities.

1) The French love being French. Really, they have no idea we laugh at them for it.
2) They eat cheese and bread like its going out of style. Which it would, if it weren't for the French.
3) French coffee comes in espresso style cups and nothing else. I am convinced its because they do not like to admit they have to pee. Which brings me to...
4) Drinks of any sort (besides wine) are served in the smallest containers possible. Plus they are tall and skinny. Forget finding a slurpee even at Mac Do.
5) Wine, wine, wine. Ever heard of russian water? well the French have wine coming out of the taps too.
6) Walking and biking are cool again. Fancy cars are somehow still cooler.
7) Jeans are to be purchased to fit the individual's bodies. Boys especially, take note.
8) Making out in public is normal.
9) Contrary to popular belief, the French like foreigners... especially when they admit the French are superior.
10) If you want something from the government in France, be prepared to die of old age before your heirs finally get it.
11) The French do everything with style, real style, with a dash of true class.

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